Sunday, July 30, 2017

Setting Intentions: Journaling

In this second installment of our Setting Intentions series, we’re going to talk about some specific ways to define what you want to manifest. Then in the third, we’ll look at more ways to eliminate the negativity that keeps you from manifesting your desires.
One of the best way to figure out goals and intentions is to write them down. You almost certainly have a very good idea of what you would like to manifest in your life, and one of the best ways to follow up on your goals and intentions is to write daily about the progress you’re making. Use your journal to plan your goal, reflect on the challenges, and record your development and accomplishments. I’ve included a couple of sample pages below that I use, but each journal is a personal creation. 

When we sit down with a journal, we can reflect on what it is we really want to manifest in our lives.  Whether you structure your journal in some way like the sample pages or work freeform, journal work is one of the best ways to keep track of goals, to help us remain focused.

The energy we send out creates our reality. What we think and believe determines how we focus our attention and awareness. How we focus, then determines what we see and don’t see in any given situation. When we focus our energy on our intentions, we create the reality that reflects the energy we’re sending out.

To make sure we’re sending out the energy that will create what we want to manifest, we need to work through those questions we have about what we really want to create in our lives and how to manifest the energy we want in our lives. To work through those questions, we have to know and stay in touch with ourselves.

When you sit down and reflect on what it is you’re trying to create, you may realize your goals have changed. Many times, a long held desire loses its desirability in the light of your personal growth. You may find new desires coming to importance that you would not have considered before.  Your individuality will lead you to your goals.

Journaling, in combination with meditation, can help you find your deepest desires. Once you discover what you want, you can look at the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.  This will help you know what intentions you need to set to help you manifest what you want in your life.

These questions may help you get started:

  • What matters most to you?
  • What would you like to create, or nurture in your life?
  • What in your life would you like to release?
  • What fears would you like to release?


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Setting Intentions; First Steps

This week we’re starting the Setting Intentions series Aeslin told you about earlier.  I hope you enjoy it.  Several times lately, I’ve had people mention they’re having trouble with spells or manifestation, or that nothing seems to be happening, and they’re not sure what they’re doing wrong.

We all know that to cast any spell or manifest any change effectively, we must first set our intention, but what exactly does that mean?  While defines intention as, “an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result,” or “the end or object intended; purpose,” for our purposes, we can use the working definition,” Your intentions are what you want to manifest, or what you want to happen.”  Sounds simple enough -- right?

Well, it is simple enough, on the face of it.  However, first, of course, we have to define what we want.  This is where the first problem comes in.  For many, the problem is just in taking the time to think carefully to figure out what they want.

Others, however, think they know what they want and set their intentions, but as soon as they set the intentions, they start putting all kinds of limitations on how they want the universe to deliver their desires.  For example, if your intention is to be wealthy, but then you say “I don’t want to be consumed by money,” or “I want to lose weight,” but “I don’t want to exercise.”  Often we do this either because we don’t believe we deserve to get what we want, or we don’t believe that it’s possible to get what we want, so we state our intentions in such a way that we set ourselves up for failure by not trusting the universe to work it out.

The question then is how to fix the problem.  The easy answer is that intentions need to be sincere.  However, I think we are sincere when we set intentions.  If you’re like me, when I first began setting intentions, you’ll have to work through some of these things, and you’ll sometimes need to remind yourself that you are “worthy,” although it becomes much easier with practice.

Meditation can make the difference in your ability to set intentions and see them through. Carve out some time to meditate to help focus your thoughts on the positive and on being open to the gifts of the universe.

So, how do we get rid of those limiting thought and practices?  
Pay attention to how many times during the day you limit yourself.  How many times a day do you feel like you’re not good enough or that you don’t believe you can do something?  To set intentions that work, you must turn those thoughts around. I’ve listed some here.

  1. Count your blessings.  Be grateful for all you have. When things are bad, it’s very hard to count your blessings, but if you make yourself look for one thing you are grateful for, you’re sure to find many more, no matter how small they may be.  Work on finding more.
  2. Be open to all possibilities and willing to accept them.  Open your heart to what the universe brings you.  Are you truly willing and open to transform your life when your desires manifest
  3. Take action toward your goal.  Once you set your intention, act on it as though what you want is happening and act on it.  Show your commitment to your intention through your actions. 
Remember, meaningful intentions do not have as their intention to try to control others. Nor do they wish for some miraculous change. You need to be willing to start where you are and step up to the opportunity to create what you want!  A meaningful intention is sincere and promotes well-being.

What do you want to manifest?